Porta Ferrada is the festival with the most performances and spectators on the Costa Brava


The Guíxols Arena and its spectacular village is consolidated as the meeting point of the cultural summer in southern Europe.

Porta Ferrada, is once again the festival with the most performances and spectators on the Costa Brava (Girona, Spain), with 73 shows - 13 exclusive concerts, 15 international artists and 25 Catalan productions - and more than 60,000 attendees.

The Festival Porta Ferrada of Sant Feliu de Guíxols comes to the end of the 60+1 edition with an extraordinary balance, with incontestable indicators of growth. In a mythical edition, the dean festival of Catalonia has hosted quality shows and concerts, within the framework of ideal facilities for the proper development of the festival. The Guíxols Arena, converted into the outdoor auditorium with the largest capacity, 3,700 spectators with seats and 5,000 in its mixed version. The Espai Port and its proximity to the sea, the Església del Monestir headquarters of the classical cycle, the Teatre Auditori Municipal, the Garden of the Trachsler House and the Terrassa Fènix of the Las Vegas room make Porta Ferrada a unique festival that expands culture to all corners of Sant Feliu de Guíxols.

As highlighted by the executive director of the Festival Porta Ferrada, Sergi Roselló: "The project took the challenge of growing year after year. We started our management with 11,000 spectators and now, 10 editions later, we are close to 60,000. We employ more than 200 workers and energise the territory by filling hotels and restaurants during the days of shows. This year, Roselló continues, we are moving towards total sustainability by carrying out various actions such as reusable cups, waste collection on the beaches of the area, reducing plastic consumption, using green electricity among the highlights. We have promoted healthy living through a gastronomic proposal available to everyone. We have continued to promote circular production with the reuse of the different scenographic elements and the separation of waste. These and other initiatives are articulated to generate a positive and sustainable impact on life on the Costa Brava. Social responsibility actions fill the project's commitment to the city with meaning."

For his part, the 2nd Deputy Mayor and Councilor of the Josep Saballs Festival, highlights the consolidation of the Guíxols Arena space, as a unique equipment in the country for the celebration of outdoor concerts, and this year is more evident than ever, having hosted the Idilic Festival that received more than 10,000 spectators in a weekend, that added to the 61st Porta Ferrada brings a total attendance that exceeds 70,000 spectators. "These numbers allow us to continue growing as a Festival, and as a City, and that makes us set ambitious goals for the near future, looking for the fit between music and accessible culture and coexistence, which will allow us to stand out as the reference Festival of the country."

Albert Mallol, artistic director of the festival points out, artistically the 61st edition of the festival has been a balance of genres, and has continued to clearly support Catalan musical performers and creators.


Executive director

Sergi Roselló

Artistic director

Albert Mallol


E: theproject@theproject.es
T: +34 93 481 70 40
Avinguda Diagonal 482,

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