"Cities and Festivals for Europe" Workshop

16 April, 9:00-10:45

Chaired by Volker Hassemer
Hosted by Catarina Vaz Pinto


The main questions of the workshop include:

  1. In the practice of your urban development: what is the most important ‘treasure’/wisdom/best practice you would like to share with your colleagues in relation to including the power of arts festivals as instruments for your city’s/region’s development?
  2. Where were/are the limits that you identified?
  3. What are the proposals/suggestions you would like to discuss to overcome these limits?
If we assume that we embrace an open society concept, and that Europe is (also) a community; and we assume that festivals and cities (15.000 all across Europe) are rooted in their local communities: what is our action we do or our attention we attach to contribute to the European community, or the ‘roots from above’?


The main result would be to launch an Alliance of Arts festivals and cities together in Lisbon under the flag of “Cities and Festivals for Europe”.