AFS 2024 Speakers

Katerina Evangelatos

Theatre and Opera Director & Artistic Director of Athens Epidaurus Festival

Keynote Speaker - Official Opening Night of the Arts Festivals Summit on Monday 12 September | 19.00-22.30

Katerina Evangelatos is theatre and opera director and as been appointed Artistic Director of the Athens and Epidaurus Festival for 2019-2022.

Born in Athens to a celebrated family of artists, Katerina made her directorial debut in 2006 at the Experimental Stage of the National Theatre of Greece with the performance Askisi Fantasias – Triti Entoli (Imagination Exercise – Third Commandment). Around that time, she also founded and managed the Eisodos kindynou stage at the Spyros A. Evangelatos Amphi-Theatre.

Within the next few years, she directed over 20 theatre and opera productions at major cultural organisations in Greece and abroad, including the National Theatre of Greece, the Athens and Epidaurus Festival, the Onassis Cultural Foundation, the Greek National Opera, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre, the Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre in Russia, and the State Theater of Augsburg in Germany.

Evangelatos is consistently active in theatre education with a focus on ancient drama and has been invited to give theatre classes and lectures both in Greece (Department of Theatre Studies of the University of Athens, Drama School of the National Theatre of Greece, American College of Greece) and abroad (United States, Russia, Iran, to name but a few).

She is a member of the Studies Co. of Moraitis School and sits in the Alexis Minotis Bequest in Memory of Katina Paxinou scholarship committee of the National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation.

Katerina Evangelatos