Gdansk Shakespeare Festival, the laureate of EFFE Award 2017-2018, is an international annual theatre event taking place in Gdansk, Poland. The event begins in the last week of July and lasts 10 days. The festival presents outstanding theatre performances inspired by the works of William Shakespeare as well as Fringe stage called ShakespeareOFF, comprised of monodramas, street theatre, alternative theatre, happenings, stand-ups, concerts, films and visual art. The festival explores Shakespeare’s heritage by selecting the most interesting, modern productions from around the world. It also organises the Golden Yorick Competition for the Best Polish Shakespearean Production of the season. The Mainstage programme is accompanied by educational workshops and seminars, also Q&A meetings with artists, critics and theatre creators. The festival focuses on international cooperation – it serves as an exchange platform where artists and culture professionals discuss and share their experience and ideas.
Gdansk Shakespeare Festival has been organised annually since 1997 by Theatrum Gedanense Foundation and, since 2008, by the Gdansk Shakespeare Theatre. There were over two hundred theatre groups presented from all over the world. The festival hosted the most acknowledged interpreters of Shakespeare such as: Peter Brook, Luk Perceval, Jan Lauwers, Romeo Castellucci, Elizabeth LeCompte, Lev Dodin, Eimuntas Nekrošius, Oskaras Koršunovas, Robert Sturua, Silviu Purcărete, Declan Donellan, and others.
The festival is predominantly housed in the Gdansk Shakespeare Theatre, nonetheless there are numerous theatres in Tricity area used to show festival’s presentations as well as the Opera house, the Gothic Churches, cultural centres, bars, etc. Moreover there are street-theatre presentations taking place in the open air as well as the Gdansk Shakespeare Theatre’s courtyard, terrace and the walls (equipped with walking paths). The whole City of Gdańsk lives the festival and celebrates the legacy of Shakespeare during the 10 summer days at the peak of the tourist season by the Baltic Sea.
Artistic Director
Agata Grenda
Festival Coordinator
Joanna Śnieżko-Misterek
E: festiwal@teatrszekspirowski.pl
T: +48 58 351 0108
Gdansk Shakespeare Theatre, ul. Wojciecha Bogusławskiego 1,
80-818 Gdańsk
Social media
"Epitafium błazna" Kejos zaprasza na spektakl! || 24. Festiwal Szekspirowski w GdańskuKejos The-At-Er są już gotowi na dzisiejszy wieczór! "Epitafium błazna" zatrzęsie sceną Gdańskiego Teatru Szekspirowskiego już o 19.00....
"Hamlet" Imperfect Dancers || 24. Festiwal Szekspirowski w GdańskuTaniec jest uniwersalnym, międzynarodowym językiem, który jest w stanie przekazać każdą historię. Włoska grupa artystyczna Imprefect Dancers...
"Wyspa" już gotowa! || 24. Festiwal Szekspirowski w GdańskuChmury burzowe już coraz bliżej! Będziemy świadkiem ich wyładowania atmosferycznego o 19.00 w Wrocławskim Teatrze Pantomimy na naszej platformie...
European Shakespeare Festivals Network: call 2025 6 September 2024… spherical, like a globe; I could find out countries in her. Comedy of Errors This is a call for Shakespeare related performance work, from the world theatre community. We ...
European ShakeSphere 2024 Call for Artists!26 October 2023… spherical, like a globe; I could find out countries in her.Comedy of ErrorsThis is a call for Shakespeare related performance work, from the world theatre community.European Shakespeare Festivals...
Gdańsk Shakespeare Festival stands “Together with Ukraine”16 August 2022The 26th Gdańsk Shakespeare Festival is being organised at a particular time – during a war which is being waged across our border. We are impressed that our friends – artists and activists from...