Collective & Affiliate Members
Vincent Nijs
Tourism Research Manager, Chief Marketing Officer - Research & Strategy Department of VISITFLANDERS
Vincent Nijs is tourism research manager and chief marketing officer at the research & strategy department of VISITFLANDERS (Belgium).
Vincent acquired his Master in Sport & Leisure Sciences at the University of Leuven, focussing on sport and leisure marketing, management and measurement. In 2017 he finished the MBA in Tourism Management at Modul University Vienna (Austria). Vincent is working with tourism related data and research for 19 years, and also gained experience as project director of an online research company in Belgium. He is currently focussing on a project on carrying capacity and sustainable tourism development in Flanders. Sharing practical leisure and tourism insights, lecturing, translating and presenting tourism related business intelligence are some of his main interests.
is member of the European Travel Commission’s Market Intelligence Committee and
former chairman of this group.