Sir Simon Rattle encouraged young composers at MusMA Atelier in Ljubljana
7 September 2012
From 20-23 June 2012, the latest atelier of the collaboration project MusMA – Music Masters on Air was organised in Ljubljana. MusMa is an ambitious international collaboration on many artistic fields. As patron of the MusMA event in Ljubljana, renowned Sir Simon Rattle participated in the atelier hosted by the Ljubljana Festival. The latest MusMA atelier in Ljubljana has been very well received by all participants: during the 3 day workshop MusMA composers, musicians, radio reporters and festival programmers discussed the new works of the season’s selected MusMA composers, as well as future strategies to promote the project and its artists. The 2012 edition was hosted by the Festival Ljubljana and was kicked-off festively at the Cankarev Dom, where Sir Simon Rattle conducted a flawless Vienna Philharmonic. As Patron of the MusMA atelier, Sir Simon Rattle made an appearance at the first atelier meeting where all festivals presented their composers. In his typical modest style, Sir Rattle encouraged the honoured MusMA composers and musicians to keep up the faith and enjoy their special gift as creators of music to the fullest. The next atelier will take place in June 2013 and will be hosted by the International Festival Wratislawia Cantans in Wroclaw, Poland at the occasion of the opening of the new prestigious National Forum of Music Concert Hall. Atelier patron Sir Rattle is expected to be in Wroclaw to again welcome the new MusMA composers. Read the full report on the MusMA website. (Photo: © Miha Fras)