Productive days in Antwerp: the 3rd edition of the Festival Production Management Training programme in full swing
19 January 2018
On Wednesday 17 January 2018, the third Edition of the Festival Production Management Training programme opened with 12 young production managers from 8 different countries at deSingel International Arts Campus in Antwerp, Belgium. Organised by The Festival Academy (an initiative of the European Festivals Association), this training programme allows participants to exchange with expert production managers on their experience and the challenges of realising an artistic work. The group was welcomed by Jerry Aerts, Director deSingel International Arts Campus, and Inge Ceustermans, Managing Director The Festival Academy. Annet Lekkerkerker, General Director of Holland Festival, gave an inspiring keynote speech. She spoke about the essential and changing role of the production manager in a festival, which involves more than producing artistic work.
The four-day programme in Antwerp is the first module of three. Module II gives participants the opportunity to practice their skills at a placement in a festival from across the world. Module III reunites the participants at a closing session to reflect on their experiences and journey taking place in Santarcangelo, Italy from 23 to 25 November 2018.
12 young production managers from 8 different countries
The core element of the Festival Managers Production Training is the exchanges between fellow production managers. 12 young production managers from 8 countries meet and share their experiences. These connections are sure to take them to new places, both metaphorically and literally.
“This is the third edition of the programme since we launched the first Module I in 2016. In the meantime some 50 production managers from 27 countries and all continents have taken part in it. It is the start of a new network. The role of a production manager is becoming more and more important in a festival and The Festival Academy is delighted to organise this cross border exchange enabling production managers to share about their work”– Inge Ceustermans.
Expert guidance from renowned production and festival managers throughout the FMPT
Renowned production managers and artists present their vision of production management in their organisations. On top of that they exchange with participants in working sessions and informal moments throughout the four days. The experts include Roy Luxford, Planning and Operations Director Edinburgh International Festival, Celestine Kubelka, Production Manager Wiener Festwochen and Han Van Poucke, Head of Production Holland Festival.
Guest speakers
Joining for shorter periods to share their knowledge are guest speakers including Jerry Aerts, Director of deSingel International Arts Campus, and colleagues from deSingel as Fleur Devlieger, Production Music department, Katrijn De Wit, Communication (press & audience development and Nathalie Douxfils, Sabbattini-production. Gert Van Overloop, General Manager of Eastman, Belgium, will join us for a session on Saturday to reflect on the role of the production manager from an artists’ company perspective. Artists we will meet during the programme are amongst others Bram Weijters, pianist and keyboardist and Nacera Belaza, choregrapher.
Cultural Visits
The rich cultural scene of Antwerp will be introduced to the participants during visits and meetings with the team and production managers of amongst other HET PALEIS, Toneelhuis / Bourlaschouwburg, Monty Kultuurfaktory, Matterhorn, DE Studio and Extra City Art Space.
Follow the Festival Production Management Training Antwerp 2018 online:
- Full programme
- Participants’ list
- Pictures
- on The
Festival Academy’s Facebook page for pictures, news and updates
- on EFA’s Twitter account @EFA60 using #FPMT2018