
European Summer Course in Yuste

10 October 2018

Strengthening European Identity Through Culture and Education, and How to Manage it” was the theme of the summer course organised by European and Ibero-American Academy of Yuste Foundation under the Erasmus + programme. Inge Ceustermans represented EFA at this very intensive academic week, from 24 to 28 September 2018 at the Royal Monastery of Yuste.

The course aims to develop a European interdisciplinary curriculum that may start-up an MBA on European Culture, Heritage and Citizenship (MBA CHC). It helps to develop abilities and perspectives to train students who wish to develop business abilities in the area of heritage management and the cultural sector, interacting with citizenship and other fields, and thus offering and inter and multidisciplinary view. This is possible, as personal experiences will be brought together with the best business management training (MBA), which focuses on the growing complexity of matters related to culture.

All summer course lectures are uploaded on YouTube and there’s a short aftermovie

Experience Campus Yuste:

Miguel Ángel Villalobos experiencia campus yuste



Keynote speech by Abram de Swaan

Conferencia de Felipe Leco Berrocal

Speech by Sabah Walid Sbeinati & Juanjo Pulido

Speech by Jan Van Zwieten Leadership

Speech by Steve Austen & Miguel Ángel Martín Ramos

Speech by Dimitar Nikilovski (1)

Speech by Izabela Agardi (1)

Speech by Dimitar Nikilovski (2)

Speech by Izabella Agardi (2)

Speech by Mario Neve (1)

Speech by Bart Lommen

Speech by Mario Neve (2)

Speech by Mario Neve (3)

Speech by Inge Ceustermans

Speech by Jan Van Zwieten Leadership (2)

Speech by Jan Van Zieten Leadership (3)

Working Groups Presentation

Speech by Steve Austen

Speech by Miriam García Cabezas

Speech by Jan Van Zweiten Leadership (4)

Speech by Miguel Ángel Martín Ramos

Speech by Steve Austen (2)

Debate and reflection on Strengthening European Identity

Conclusions, feedback from students & closing remarks


Entrevista a Berta Corredor, periodista cultural en Campus Yuste

Entrevista con Felipe Leco Berrocal

Interview with Abram de Swaan in Campus Yuste

Interview with Izabella Agardi in Campus Yuste

Interview with Steve Austen in Campus Yuste

Interview with Prof. Jan Van Zwieten in Campus Yuste

Interview with Mario Neve in Campus Yuste

Interview with Dimitar Nikilovski in Campus Yuste

Entrevista a Juan Carlos Preciado en Campus Yuste

Interview with Bart Lommen in Campus Yuste

Entrevista a Miguel Angel Martín Ramos