Spiegel String Quartet - International Activities November/December 200120 November 2001SPIEGEL STRING QUARTET Founded in 1996, the Belgian Spiegel String Quartet quickly won international fame, performing concerts at Europe’s major halls and festivals, including the Théâtre du Ch...
Two new premieres for Savonlinna Opera Festival anniversary19 November 2001The Savonlinna Opera Festival will be celebrating its 90th anniversary in summer 2002. It was in 1912 that the opera singer Aino Ackté first held an opera in what she termed a romantic castle set...
LUCERNE FESTIVAL, Piano 2001: General Programme and Workshop29 October 2001From Clavichord to Modern Concert Grand Pianos Lecture with Ulrike-Verena Habel, harpsichord The LUCERNE FESTIVAL, PIANO has defined itself, from the very beginning, as a piano festival offering...
LUCERNE FESTIVAL, PIANO 2001 - November 20-2516 October 2001PIANO, the most recent series of concerts presented by LUCERNE FESTIVAL, will take place, for the fourth time, from November 20 till November 25, 2001. Within a mere few years, this festival...
Swedish Prize Winner16 October 2001We are happy to announce that the Swedish Ensemble Villancico, recently has been awarded "The Ivan Lucacic Price" for best baroque interpretation at the international Varaz din Music Festival in...
Experience Music: Flemish Bands on A2A10 October 2001The new music conference Access To Amsterdam (A2A) is about one thing only: MUSIC. The first edition takes place on October 17-20 with around 300 concerts on 20 different locations throughout the...
Flashback on LUCERNE FESTIVAL, SOMMER 2001 - August 15 till September 1514 September 2001The tension between the modern and the traditional has long been the motto of LUCERNE FESTIVAL: the SOMMER 2001 festival will finish on September 15 with a programme of contemporary music from...
Preview LUCERNE FESTIVAL, SOMMER 2002 - 15. August - 15. September14 September 2001Thema: "Verführung" Themenbereiche: Sirenen, Orient, Tanz Werke zum Thema Belá Bartók, "Herzog Blaubart", "Der wunderbare Mandarin" Hector Berlioz, "Romeo und Julia"; Sergej Prokofjew, "Romeo...
Flanders @ the Gloria': Euro Rock Show at Popkomm (Cologne, Germany)24 July 2001Flemish pop music is drawing more and more attention abroad and is definitely waiting to be discovered. And the good news is: it's always to find. After 'Witlof from Belgium', our first pop...
LUCERNE FESTIVAL, SOMMER 2001 - The KKL Goes Up in Flames17 July 2001The KKL Goes Up in Flames A Homage to Prometheus by Groupe F A poetic fire spectacle for the LUCERNE FESTIVAL, SOMMER 2001 opening on Wednesday, August 15, 2001, 10 p.m. In exactly a month, SOMMER...
Concert review: Jazz Legend Max Roach Performs in Jerusalem17 July 2001Jerusalem - July 11, 2001 - Jazz great, drummer Max Roach recently performed with alto saxophonist Arnie Lawrence at the Jerusalem Theater before a sell out crowd of enthusiastic fans. The...
A galaxy of Finnish and foreign stars at the Helsinki Festival4 July 2001The Helsinki Festival at the end of August and beginning of September has a rich and varied programme painted with a broad brush. It aims to maintain its status as the biggest Finnish festival in...
Finnish conductor Mikko Franck new musical director of Belgian National Orchestra.29 June 2001The young Finnish conductor Mikko Franck seems to be heading towards an impressive career. Already at the age of 24 he conducted the Philarmonia Orchestra, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and the...
New and improved website for the Flemish Opera21 June 2001The Flemish Opera released a new and improved website. This is a little description of the content of the site. In the English version of the site you'll find, along with a detailed calendar with...
Philharmonic Youth Orchestra of Flanders on tour in Italy19 June 2001The Philharmonic Youth Orchestra of Flanders (conducted by Robert Groslot) will perform in july on different locations in Italy. Their schedule includes Firenze (14/07 - Palazzo Vecchio), Lucca (15...
Europäische Theater- und Musikfestspiele Wiltz18 June 2001Die Wiltzer Festspiele auf der Freilichtbühne vor der historischen Kulisse des mittelalterlichen Schlosses finden dieses Jahr zum 49. Male statt, und dies wie immer während des Monats Juli. Das...
Festival Européen de Théâtre en Plein air et de Musique18 June 2001Pour la 49e fois, le Festival de Wiltz va présenter un programme de haute qualité artistique dans le cadre imposant de l’amphithéâtre. Le programme très diversifié, qui s’étend du 29...
Winners Euro-Festival Duo Ticket Competition8 June 2001The 5 winners of a duo-ticket are known. The Euro-Festival Info Centre organised a competition between 5 May 2001 and 7 June 2001; this competition was related to a visitors survey in order to...
Queen Elisabeth International Competition celebrates its fiftieth anniversary5 June 2001Created in 1951 at the initiative of Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth of Belgium, and following on from the Eugène Ysaÿe Competition, this competition very quickly became one of the leading...
‘Benoit aux Enfers’ Exhibition5 June 2001The museum ‘Vleeshuis’ (Antwerp) and the ‘Studiecentrum voor Vlaamse Muziek’ (Flemish Music Reseach Centre) organised ‘Benoit aux Enfers’, an exhibition around Flemish Composer Peter...
New Promotional Pop and Rock Compilation made by the Flanders Music Centre5 June 2001The Flanders Music Centre compiled 30 tracks of the finest Flemish pop and rock. This double cd contains hits from bands such as Hooverphonic, Soulwax, Zita Swoon, Deus, Praga Khan and K’s Choice...
André Ristic remporte le Prix Québec-Flandre 20015 June 2001Le Compositeur André Ristique est le lauréat du Prix de musique contemporaine Québec-Flandre. Fruit d’un partenariat entre la Société de Musique Contemporaine du Québec, le Centre Culturel...
Flemish Rock Band K's Choice Live from 'Rock Am Ring'5 June 2001The concert of k's Choice at Rock am Ring on Friday 1st June 2001 will be broadcasted by German Television WDR (Rockpalast). The same day, a live stream of the concert will be transmitted on http...
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra of Flanders performing in Japan5 June 2001This summer the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra of Flanders will be performing on different locations in Tokyo. Conductor Philippe Herreweghe and the orchestra will be playing between the 27th of...
Toots Thielemans and the Brussels Jazz Orchestra invited for the North Sea Jazz Festival5 June 2001The legendary Belgian jazz musician Toots Thielemans and the all star Brussels Jazz Orchestra will perform on the renowned North Sea Jazz Festival in the Netherlands. Their concerts will be both on...
SFX takes over 'On The Rox' and 'Sound & Vision'5 June 2001SFX, the world’s largest producer and marketer of live entertainment, announced the acquisition of On the Rox and Sound and Vision, both concert promoting companies who belonged until now to...
New on the WWW: Rock Werchter5 June 2001Rock Werchter, a three-day festival plus party, where the world's best artists from a variety of genres gather, now has an all new website. The festival takes place on the first weekend of July, on...
Collegium Vocale wins Dutch Edison Award5 June 2001The Flemish classical ensemble Collegium Vocale, conducted by Philippe Herreweghe was awarded with an Edison Classical Music Award for its recording of the Mätthaus Passion of Bach (released by...
Bruckner Festival Linz 2001- September 9th - 29th - MUSIC.DANCETHEATER.AND14 May 2001The motto is "DIVE IN" - and that means with all your senses. The subtitle is new, too. MUSIK.DANCETHEATER.AND is intended to show that the Bruckner Festival Linz has set out along new paths....
Folk group 'Jaune Toujours' praised in 'Folkworld' and 'fRoots'14 May 2001Jaune Toujours' cd 'Brusk' reached the second place of the readers top ten of the German folk magazine 'Folkworld'. Earlier on (january 2001) the album also obtained a second place in the charts of...
Rheingau Musik Festival 2001 - Ein Sommer voller Musik8 May 2001Vom 30. Juni bis 2. September 2001 bietet das Rheingau Musik Festival wieder einen abwechslungsreichen und hochkarätigen “Sommer voller Musik”. Auch in der 14. Saison verwandelt das Festival...
Hellenic Festival 2001 - press conference text by Mr. Periklis Koukos4 May 2001I believe we have been unwavering in the pursuit of the following goals for the Athens and Epidaurus Festival 2001: · A programme with important and high-quality productions, based on the five...
Stars of the White Nights Festival 2001 - letter by Valery Gergiev4 May 2001Dear friends, as the Artistic Director of the Mariinsky Theatre and the Stars of the White Nights Festival, I would like to invite you to come and visit St. Petersburg, the "Venice of the North",...
New research shows that festivals mean business10 April 2001New research published by British Arts Festivals Association confirms the measurable contribution made by arts festivals to the cultural and economic wealth of the nation. Tim Joss, Chair of BAFA...
Brochure "Festivals 2001"10 April 2001The "Festivals 2001" brochure can be obtained from the festivals, the official agents of the EFA or from the Geneva Secretariat in return of international postal coupons (4 for Europe, 7 for...
Broschüre "Festivals 2001"10 April 2001Die Broschüre "Festivals 2001" ist bei den Festivals, den offiziellen Agenten der EFV oder beim Genfer Generalsekretariat gegen Übersendung von internationalen Antwortscheinen (4 für Europa, 7 f...
Brochure "Festivals 2001"10 April 2001La brochure "Festivals 2001" peut être obtenue auprès des festivals, des agents officiels de l'AEF ou du secrétariat général à Genève contre envoi de coupons-réponse internationaux (4 pour...
Flemish popular festivals28 March 2001Over the years Flanders has built a serious reputation concerning festivals. From late June through out the summer till the end of September, festivals in all sizes and genres flood the country....
News page of the Flanders Music Centre22 March 2001The Flanders Music Centre promotes the Flemish music life. By supporting the Euro-Festival Info Centre generously, they received a gateway to present the Flemish festivals, composers and artists in...
Report about the fourth week of Al Bustan Festival21 March 2001The Al Bustan Festival is now in it’s fifth and last week. The preceding week was quite historical. Verdi’s Requiem was performed for the first time in recent times in Lebanon. Three...
Press release for the first annual press conference of the new director of Dresden Music Festival21 March 2001In 2001, Dresden Music Festival will be held from 23 May to 10 June under the management of the new director, Torsten Mosgraber, and over a period of 20 days will present more than 80 performances...
Le Concert Spirituel - streaming video on the internet16 February 2001The Flanders Festival proudly presents the streaming video of its Christmas concert: Le Concert Spirituel directed by Hervé Niquet "Un Bal au Grand Trianon" Music at the Court of Versailles...
Ars Nova15 February 2001International workshop of multidisciplinary and contemporary arts festivals – lectures on the recent trends in creation and performance, discussions on productions, plans, projects and...
Ars Danubiana15 February 2001A workshop meeting on regional cooperation for promoting common cultural heritage and contemporary creation. In cooperation with the Bulgarian Festivals Association and the Rusze March Music Days...
Advocacy and research15 February 2001The permanent workshop for representatives of national festival associations. Discussions focusing on the co-operation in global communication developing public services (e.g. the Euro-Festivals...
Festival tourism – new challenges15 February 2001Touristic agencies working in the field of cultural tourism meet marketing experts of international performing arts festivals. Discussions focusing on quality tourism as an ever-developing...
Crescendo V15 February 2001An international conference with the participation of festival managers and directors of international music competitions. Discussions on good examples of the promotion of young musicians and...
International Rostrum of Young Performers15 February 2001Workshop discussion with the participation of public radios and representatives institutions promoting young performers on the national and international level. In cooperation with the European...
The future of arts festivals15 February 2001The EFA workshop of workshops to prepare the next long-term strategy of development of the largest and oldest international organisation of arts festivals in the world. The General Meeting...
Advocacy on National and International Level15 February 2001With the participation of representatives of national festivals associations from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Great-Britain, Hungary, Norway and Sweden. The annual confererence of...
The Role of Festivals in a Changing Cultural Environment15 February 2001Related to the General Assembly of the European Festivals Association, the conference will focus on successful programmes dedicated to the promotion of contemporary creation and to the development...
Musica Danubiana15 February 2001The Musica Danubiana project is a longterm programme of "internal" cooperation between the musical insitutitons of the Danubian countries which has been developed since 1991, after the historical...
Honoration of Prof. Dr Jan Briers13 February 2001We can say that Jan Briers is synonymous with the "Festival van Vlaanderen". Jan’s life is exemplary for our festival since he became one with it throughout the years. To him this festival was...
Hommage au Professeur Dr Jan Briers13 February 2001Jan Briers et le phénomène des festivals sont une synonymie. La vie de Jan est le modèle de ce qu'est un festival. Il était et est devenu un avec lui. Dans le festival il vit une façon pour la...
Emilia Romagna Festival Itinerari musicali 200113 February 2001Associazione da Bach a Bartok Presents Emilia Romagna Festival Itinerari musicali 2001 July - August 2001 With the birth of a new millennium comes the rebirth of a festival. An Italian event that...
Verdi jubilee at the Savonlinna Opera Festival July 7 - August 5, 200113 February 2001Last summer was a real milestone in the history of the Savonlinna Opera Festival. Following its refurbishment, Olavinlinna Castle was once again an opera venue that attracted and delighted...
1st Mariinsky International Ballet Festival13 January 20011st Mariinsky International Ballet Festival St Petersburg, 10 - 18 February 2001 Artistic Director VALERY GERGIEV From 2001 on, the Mariinsky Theatre will annually present the MARIINSKY...