
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra of Flanders performing in Japan

5 June 2001

This summer the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra of Flanders will be performing on different locations in Tokyo. Conductor Philippe Herreweghe and the orchestra will be playing between the 27th of September and the 1th of October in the Suntory Hall (27/09), the Sumida Hall (28/09 and 30/09) and the Musashino Hall (01/10) in Tokyo. Later on the orchestra moves on to Shinzuoka (Concerthall Shinzuoka - 02/10), Tottori (Concerthall Tottori - 03/10), Kita-Kyushu (Concerthall Kita Kyushu - 04/10) and Osaka (Izumi Hall - 05/10).