- STILL SO MUCH TO BE DONE – NEW EFA BOOKS SERIES LAUNCHED7 December 2006PRESS RELEASE STILL SO MUCH TO BE DONE – NEW EFA BOOKS SERIES LAUNCHED Anne-Marie Autissier, Frans de Ruiter, Rik Pinxten, Dr. Volker Hassemer and European Commission President Jóse Manuel...
- STILL SO MUCH TO BE DONE – NEW EFA BOOKS SERIES LAUNCHED5 December 2006STILL SO MUCH TO BE DONE – Challenges for Culture in Europe Anne-Marie Autissier, Frans de Ruiter, Rik Pinxten, Dr. Volker Hassemer and European Commission President Jóse Manuel Barroso write on...
- Early box office opening for three of the Festival´s main events5 December 2006The box office will open its doors on-line to Festival guests a little earlier than usual, in order to get a head start on three of the major events at the upcoming Festival. These are the seven...
- Early box office opening5 December 2006The box office will open its doors on-line to Festival guests a little earlier than usual, in order to get a head start on three of the major events at the upcoming Festival. These are the seven...
- LEPAGE – PERSONALE5 December 2006Theater und Film mit Robert Lepage Zum ersten Mal in Deutschland zeigt der frankokanadische Theatermagier ROBERT LEPAGE sein fulminanten Solo „The Andersen Project“ auf. Ab 7. bis zum 17....
- Forum Amsterdam: The Role of the City in Building Europe30 November 2006On 10 December, at the Felix Meritis Foundation, the second "Forum Amsterdam" on the role of the city in Building Europe is taking place. Pleaes download the detailed Programme of the Forum....
- Hebe de Bonafini zu Gast bei den Berliner Lektionen 06|0728 November 2006„Verschwunden, aber nicht vergessen! – Der lange Marsch der Mütter der Plaza de Mayo für Menschenrechte und Gerechtigkeit“ Sonntag, 3. Dezember 2006 | 11:30 Uhr | Renaissance-Theater Berlin...
- Conditional Call for Proposals Culture 2007-2013 published7 November 2006The provisional call for proposals under the new Culture 2007-2013 programme has been published by the European Commission: Deadline for the submission of projects: 28 February 2007. See more...
- spielzeiteuropa 06|07: Okt 2006 – Jan 20076 November 2006Es ist wieder Zeit für Theater im Haus der Berliner Festspiele! Save the date: 16. Nov 19.00 Uhr Am 16. November 2006 startet die dritte spielzeiteuropa 06|07 und macht das Haus der Berliner...
- Pearle and CUP partners published Copyright Users Platform results19 October 2006Please find herewith the brochure published jointly by the members of the Copyright Users Platform (CUP) in June 2006. It describes some of the concerns and risks which copyright users are...
- Orhan Pamuk erhält den Nobelpreis für Literatur16 October 2006Orhan Pamuk erhält den Nobelpreis für Literatur Joachim Sartorius gratuliert dem türkischen Schriftsteller „Orhan Pamuk ist nicht nur ein sehr wacher und couragierter Zeitgenosse, sondern auch...
- Evenement: Colloque France Festivals: 16 et 17 novembre 200610 October 2006Après le colloque tenu à Royaumont sur le thème “La musique a-t-elle besoin des festivals”, France Festivals organise les 16 et 17 novembre 2006, à l’abbaye de l’Epau (Le Mans), un...
- Second Berlin Conference on 17 - 19 November 20069 October 2006The second Berlin Conference will be held from 17 to 19 November 2006, as agreed with EU Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso. Its motto "A Soul for Europe" was originally coined by former EU...
- 2008 - European Year of Intercultural Dialogue7 October 2006EU-Call for ideas for 2008 – Year of Intercultural Dialogue In October 2005, the European Commission proposed to declare 2008 the “Year of intercultural dialogue” EU Proposal. The year aims...
- Timetable - Deadlines Culture 20075 October 2006The timetable has now been confirmed as follows: 1. The conditional call will be out in October 2. Application forms will be available at end of October 3. 31 December 2006 will be the deadline for...
- People Network looking for Europeans to participate in Berlin Conference 20062 October 2006The People Network is looking for bright, young Europeans to participate in the Berlin Conference: “A Soul for Europe”, 17 - 19 November 2006. The People Network (a project of the Felix Meritis...
- Future EU Culture 2007 Programme close to be finalized18 September 2006A new generation of EU programmes in the field of culture and education in 2007 - 2013 close to become true. The European Commission adopted ambitious proposals on 14 July 2004 for the next...
- Berliner Lektionen werden 20!18 September 2006Saison 2006/2007 beginnt am 19. November mit Hermann Nitsch Seit 1987 bringen die Berliner Lektionen prominente Künstler, Politiker, Wissenschaftler u.a. nach Berlin. Innerhalb von kurzer Zeit hat...
- Record Attendance at Lucerne Festival, SOMMER 200618 September 2006Record Attendance at LUCERNE FESTIVAL, SOMMER 2006 After 39 days with more than 100 events, 16 of which were premières, LUCERNE FESTIVAL, SOMMER 2006, now draws to a close. With more than 80,000...
- 21. Treffen Junger Autoren vom 23. bis 27. November 200618 September 2006Zum 21. Mal: Treffen Junger Autoren in Berlin vom 23. bis 27. November 2006 Die Preisträgerinnen und Preisträger stehen fest! Aus 791 Bewerbungen hat die Jury des 21. bundesweiten Wettbewerbs „...
- The Last Night of the KlaraFestival8 September 2006Après deux semaines de tentation musicale, le KlaraFestival de Flandre se clôture en apothéose et en beauté le 15 septembre avec The Last Night of the KlaraFestival. À huit heures, le Palais...
- Martina Gedeck und Werner Rehm spielen ungarisches Theater5 September 2006Auf Tod, auf Leben Ein ungarisches Theaterdoppel Von Péter Esterházy und Péter Nádas Es spielen: Martina Gedeck und Werner Rehm Regie: Laszlo Kornitzer Bühne: Wigand Witting Premiere: 16....
- Vacancy at European Festivals Association (EFA)4 September 2006The European Festivals Association (EFA) is recruiting a new staff member. Please feel free to apply for the job or circulate the vacancy notice in your network. Download the profile here.
- Festival Get Together1 September 2006The Annual Conference of the British Arts Festivals Association will take place in Cardiff, Wales, from 19 – 21 October. Members of The European Festivals Association will be very welcome at the...
- Berliner Festspiele | Theaterabend mit Martina Gedeck1 September 2006„Auf Tod, auf Leben.“ Ein Theaterabend mit Texten von Péter Esterházy und Péter Nádas Es spielen: Martina Gedeck und Werner Rehm Regie: Laszlo Kornitzer Bühne: Wigand Witting Premiere: 16...
- George Benjamin is fourth Roche Commissions composer1 September 2006Basel, 1 September 2006 George Benjamin is fourth Roche Commissions composer World premiere of the third Roche Commissions composition by Hanspeter Kyburz Tomorrow morning, Roche will present the...
- Barbara Bonney remplacée par Monica Groop31 August 2006Barbara Bonney, qui devait participer, le 5 septembre prochain, au KlaraFestival de Flandre, a dû annuler tous ses concerts jusqu’en 2009. Aussi, le KlaraFestival de Flandre présente, en...
- Ratification of the UNESCO Convention on the Diversity of Cultural Expressions30 August 2006The mobilization campaign to ratify the UNESCO Convention by the Member States is building growing momentum: To the 5 States that have already formally deposited their instrument of ratification...
- Film muet avec accompagnement musical en live par le Anssi Tikanmäki Film Orchestra30 August 2006Juha (1998) par Aki Kaurismäki (Cannes – Grand Prix 2002) Film muet avec accompagnement musical en live par le Anssi Tikanmäki Film Orchestra Le samedi 9 septembre, le Anssi Tikanmäki Film...
- Call for ideas for 2008-Year of Intercultural Dialogue28 August 2006Dear colleagues, please find here below a message from the European Commission concerning 2008 - Year of Intercultural Dialogue: Within the framework of the preparation of the European Year of the...
- Call for Ideas for 2008 - Year of Intercultural Dialogue28 August 2006Please find here below a message from the European Commission concerning 2008 - Year of Intercultural Dialogue: Within the framework of the preparation of the European Year of the intercultural...
- Laura Aikin übernimmt den Sopranpart in Hanspeter Kyburz’ Uraufführung "touché"28 August 2006Laura Aikin übernimmt den Sopranpart in Hanspeter Kyburz’ Uraufführung «touché» am Samstag, 2. September 18.30 Uhr im Konzertsaal des KKL. Laura Aikin ist in der Schweiz vor allem durch ihre...
- EFA Trainee finishes internship - extracts from her final report25 August 2006Yi Yu (Molly) Chen, Taiwanese, with five years working experience in public relations, marketing and sales, currently a second year MBA student at Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) at Erasmus...
- Das Musikfest Berlin 200625 August 2006Vom 1. bis 17. September veranstalten die Berliner Festspiele in Kooperation mit der Stiftung Berliner Philharmoniker zum zweiten Mal das Musikfest Berlin. Das Festival widmet sich der der...
- EFA - Art Festivals in Europe under one Flag24 August 2006The title may be seen as the European Festival Association’s (EFA) motto. It is a major European network of Art Festivals, which monitors and follows the great ‘explosion’ of festivals in...
- EFA - Festivals d'art en Europe sous un seul étendard24 August 2006Ceci pourrait être la devise de l’EFA, la European Festivals Association. Ce réseau Européen majeur de Festival d’Arts veut remettre en cause et guider ‘l’explosion’ de festivals en...
- EFA - Kunstfestspiele in Europa unter einem Dach24 August 2006Das könnte das Motto von EFA sein, der European Festivals Association. Dieses größte europäische Netzwerk von Kunstfestspielen hinterfragt und begleitet die ‘Explosion’ von Festivals in...
- Grants for projects under the Culture 2000 programme 200623 August 2006On 11 th July 2006, the European Commission decided to propose a grant within the framework of Culture 2000 Programme to the following projects: Action 1 Action 2. More information on the Call...
- New EFA Folder 2006/2007 published22 August 2006The new EFA Folder 2006/2007 has been published now: The new publication introduces all members of this major European ART festivals network representing 87 individual festivals, 12 national...
- REMA General Assembly and conference21 August 2006The next General Assembly of REMA (Réseau Européen de Musique Ancienne - European Early Music Network) will take place from 24 until 26 August 2006 in Utrecht in the framework of the 25th Early...
- Eröffnung von LUCERNE FESTIVAL18 August 2006LUCERNE FESTIVAL, SOMMER 2006 startete gestern mit einer fulminanten Eröffnungsrede von Bundespräsident Leuenberger und einem umjubelten Konzert mit Claudio Abbado und Cecilia Bartoli. Die Live...
- JazzFest Berlin 06: Filme, New Orleans und Alpenländer18 August 2006Das Programm ab sofort online Das JazzFest Berlin findet 2006 vom 1. bis 5. November statt. Schwerpunkte des Programms sind Jazz und Film, ein Tribute an New Orleans und die alpenländische...
- EFA granted with EU funding17 August 2006On 5 July 2006, the European Commission finally took the decision on which cultural organisations will be awarded operating EU grants for 2006. And EFA, for the first time in its history, is among...
- Invitation to attend ARS NOVA17 August 2006Herewith, we would cordially like to invite you once again to the next ARS NOVA meeting to be held in Oslo from 6 until 8 October 2006. The ARS NOVA meeting will take place in the very attractive...
- New EFA publication17 August 2006A completely new EFA publication is ready to be distributed! This publication consists of an EFA folder comprising the essential information on EFA and all its members, and of a set of single...
- European Atelier site launched17 August 2006A special edition of efacts on the European Atelier for Young Festival Managers 2006 has been sent to you in July. The European Atelier page dedicated to the Atelier has also been launched. Just...
- 2008 - EU Year of Intercultural dialogue17 August 2006Some months ago, the European Commission proposed to declare 2008 the “Year of intercultural dialogue”. The year aims to promote intercultural dialogue as an instrument to assist European...
- EU Culture 2007 deadline17 August 2006The Culture 2007 programme has been formally adopted by the EU. The likely timetable for the 2007 Call for Culture projects looks as follows: Informal announcement of final criteria in October 2006...
- Jordi Savall et le Collegium Vocale Gent pour la première fois ensemble dans L'Orfeo de Monteverdi17 August 2006Bruxelles a de la chance avec le premier opéra de l’histoire de la musique. Après la version contemporaine de la chorégraphe Trisha Brown et du chef René Jacobs, à la Monnaie, le Palais des...
- Pressekonferenz Literaturfestival am 23. August 2006 um 12.30 Uhr im Haus der Berliner Festspiele17 August 2006Das 6. internationale literaturfestival berlin (ilb) findet vom 5. bis 16. September 2006 statt. Wir möchten Sie herzlich zu unserer Pressekonferenz einladen, am 23. August 2006 um 12.30 Uhr im...
- Les Nuits de Fourvière : bilan de l’édition du 60ème anniversaire11 August 2006Une édition marquée par le 60ème anniversaire de la réouverture des théâtres gallo-romains de Fourvière et une nouvelle hausse de fréquentation Les Nuits de Fourvière 2006 ont accueilli 97...
- Start KlaraFestival le 2 septembre - Musique sans complexes pour toute la famille9 August 2006Le samedi 2 septembre, le Klarafestival de Flandres débutera dans un tourbillon virevoltant. Dans le quartier du Kaaitheater (Quai des Péniches) on pourra profiter toute la journée de musique,...
- All Change at BAFA9 August 2006Its all change at the British Arts Festivals Association with a new website, new office and new personnel. Following a review of its operations last year BAFA was awarded funding from Arts Council...
- Musikfest Berlin 06 - Klassische Vielfalt auf höchstem Niveau7 August 2006Vom 1. bis zum 17. September 2006 veranstalten die Berliner Festspiele in Kooperation mit der Stiftung Berliner Philharmoniker zum zweiten Mal das Musikfest Berlin. Das Festival widmet sich der...
- Speech by Dr Sartorius, GA Luxembourg, 16 June 20066 July 2006Please find herewith the keynote speech by Mr Joachim Sartorius, General Director of the Berliner Festspiele, held on the occasion of the conference on Festivals and media in the framework of the...
- Draft EFA folder online4 July 2006Dear EFA members, From the beginning of July, a new EFA publication will be prepared and printed. This publication will contain two components: firstly, a folder including the essential information...
- Flanders Festival Brussels and Ghent have a full-time job opportunity dramaturge22 June 2006Flanders Festival Brussels and Ghent (Belgium) have a full-time job opportunity for an: Dramaturge/Assistant Programming (m/f) Entrance into office: August 16th, 2006 Please contact the Flanders...
- LabforCulture goes live!21 June 2006LabforCulture launched by European Cultural Foundation: LabforCulture, the dynamic, new interactive website aimed at all those in arts and culture who collaborate, create,...
- IETM: Mobile.Home is launched !20 June 2006In May 2006 the EU DG for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities has selected the MOBILE.HOME project of IETM, the Finnish Theatre Information Centre, Pearle*, Goethe-Institut (Brussels...
- NEW ART NET - INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR YOUNG MANAGERS IN PERFORMING ARTS19 June 2006Jugokoncert - Belgrade Concert Agency and its partners (Bitef and ArtLink) are pleased to announce….. NEW ART NET - INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR YOUNG MANAGERS IN PERFORMING ARTS 27th – 30th of...
- 80th anniversary of Varna Summer15 June 2006This year we celebrate the 80th anniversary of Varna Summer International Music Festival. It is the oldest festival in Bulgaria and one of the festivals with the longest traditions in Europe. First...
- westöstlicherdiwan lädt zu interkulturellen Lesungen ein2 June 2006Gamal al-Ghitani und Ingo Schulze sowie Qassim Haddad und Ilija Trojanow Mit zwei Doppellesungen geht die interkulturelle Literatur-Begegnungsreihe „westöstlicherdiwan“ im Juni 2006 weiter....
- CD from the Ludwig van Beethoven Easter Festival released2 June 2006The next CD from the Ludwig van Beethoven Easter Festival has been just released The Ludwig van Beethoven Association has released the first two CDs from the new series “Great Performances at the...
- Colloque France Festivals 20062 June 2006France Festivals organise un colloque le 16 et 17 novembre 2006 à l'abbaye de l'Epau, au Mans sur "les nouveaux territoires des festivals". En savoir plus cliquez ici. [img "../resource/pics/...
- The first European Atelier for Young Festival Managers was a great success!1 June 2006From May 15 until May 21, 2006, 33 young participants from 20 different countries came together in the historical city of Görlitz, on the German-Polish border, for an intense and very productive...
- Strasbourg (France) 1-4 Juin 2006 Theater festival - supported by UTE30 May 2006Festival “Premières” second edition A festival organised by the Théâtre National de Strasbourg and Le Maillon with the support of the Union of the Theatres of Europe There are many questions...
- Strasbourg (France) 1-4 juin 2006 - festival du théätre30 May 2006Festival « Premières », 2ème édition un Festival organisé par le Théâtre National de Strasbourg et Le Maillon avec le soutien de l'Union des Théâtre de l'Europe Qu’en est-il du théâ...
- Public conference in the framework of the EFA General Assembly24 May 2006In the framework of the next EFA General Assembly 2006 to take place in Luxembourg on 16, 17 and 18 June at the invitation of the Festivals of Echternach and Wiltz, an open congress on festivals...
- Public conference on festivals and media24 May 2006In the framework of the next EFA General Assembly 2006 to take place in Luxembourg on 16, 17 and 18 June at the invitation of the Festivals of Echternach and Wiltz, an open congress on festivals...
- Commissioner Jan Figel’ meets European Festivals24 May 2006On 3 May, a distinguished group of festival directors was honored to meet Mr Jan Figel’, European Commissioner for Culture, at the European Commission’s headquarter in Brussels (have a look at...
- GA Luxembourg11 May 2006Dear EFA members, dear colleagues, the official programme of the EFA General Assembly (in English, French, German, Spanish and Italian language) including additional information on the open...
- General Assembly Luxembourg near at hand11 May 2006Dear EFA members, dear colleagues, the official programme of the EFA General Assembly (in English, French, German, Spanish and Italian language) including additional information on the open...
- Les Nuits de Fourvière : programme de l'été 200610 May 2006Le programme des Nuits de Fourvière 2006 est disponible ! Du 14 juin au 4 août 2006, Les Nuits de Fourvière présenteront un programme pluridisciplinaire de 41 représentations au sein des Th...
- Les Nuits de Fourvière's 2006 programme10 May 2006Les Nuits de Fourvière’s 2006 programme is available ! From June to August 2006, Les Nuits de Fourvière will present a multidisciplinary programme of drama, dance, music and cinema. 41...
- Union of the Theatres of Europe : 15th Festival21 April 2006The Union of the Theatres of Europe was created fifteen years ago at the initiative of Giorgio Strehler and Jack Lang, with support from the French Ministry of Culture. It is an alliance of public...
- Union des Théâtres de l'Europe : 15ème Festival21 April 2006L'Union des Théâtres de l'Europe est une association de théâtres publics créée il y a quinze ans à l'initiative de Giorgio Strehler et de Jack Lang, avec le soutien du Ministère de la...
- Klarafestival - Festival International de musique à Bruxelles: Invitation conférence de presse13 April 2006Le 2 septembre 2006, le Festival de Flandre, le Palais des Beaux-Arts, le Kaaitheater, Klara et Canvas donneront le coup d'envoi de la troisième édition du KlaraFestival / Festival international...
- Monitoring the ratification process - latest news13 April 2006You will find latest news regarding the process of ratification of the UNESCO Convention on cultural diversity in the recent issue of the "Diversity of Cultural Expressions News". Headlines:...
- Berliner Festspiele | Nachtmusik beim Theatertreffen11 April 2006Nachtmusik beim Theatertreffen 5. bis 21. Mai Im Theater wird gefeiert. So auch beim Theatertreffen. Die tt nachtmusik präsentiert zwei junge Musikerinnen im Konzert und die legendäre Russendisko...
- Theatermarathon in Berlin - Theatertreffen 5. bis 21. Mai 200611 April 2006Der Countdown läuft: vom 5. – 21. Mai 2006 laden die Berliner Festspiele zum 43. Theatertreffen. Ein Jahr lang bereiste die Jury die deutschsprachige Theaterlandschaft auf der Suche nach den...
- Musikalische Meilensteine - Musikfest Berlin 200611 April 2006Vom 1. bis 17. September veranstalten die Berliner Festspiele in Kooperation mit der Stiftung Berliner Philharmoniker zum zweiten Mal das Musikfest Berlin. Das Musikfest Berlin widmet sich der...
- IMC publishes World Music News11 April 2006To IMC Members IMC publishes MUSIC WORLD NEWS. Weekly service will begin in May. The trial edition will be distributed to our present network world-wide. I INVITE YOU TO SUBMIT A NEWS STORY! This...
- IMC to start MUSIC WORLD NEWS6 April 2006Next week, the International Music Council will publish a trial edition of the MUSIC WORLD NEWS. Weekly service will begin in May. The trial edition will be distributed to IMC present networks...
- Newsletter22 March 2006Dubrovnik Summer Festival was founded in 1950 and ever since has been the most celebrated cultural event in Croatia. The Festival repertoire reflects the ambience and history of the city....
- Orchestermusik bei MaerzMusik21 March 2006Sonnabend, 25. März 2006 20.00 Uhr Philharmonie ORCHESTERMUSIK Vykintas Baltakas Poussla für Ensemble und Orchester (2006) UA der Neufassung / AW Olivier Messiaen Chronochromie (1961) Helmut...
- Programmvorstellung Lucerne Festival 200615 March 2006Am Freitag, den 7. April 2006 um 17.00 Uhr werden Michael Haefliger, Intendant, Mark Sattler, Dramaturg und Projektleiter MODERNE und Katharina Rengger, Projektleiterin LUCERNE FESTIVAL ACADEMY das...
- 1-day conference 'Festivals - challenges of growth' rewarding15 March 2006Almost 200 delegates (festival practitioners, cultural professionals, politicians, city administrators, arts management students...) participated at the one-day conference on "Festivals -...
- EFRP team meeting in Leicester on 4 and 5 March 200615 March 2006The European Festival Research Project team met for the third time (after Brussels 2004 and Nitra 2005) in the framework of the one-day conference on "Festivals - challenges of growth. An...
- Speech at the European Tourism ministers conference15 March 2006Darko Brlek, EFA President, will be one of the speakers at the European Tourism Ministers’ Conference entitled “Tourism – Key to Growth and Employment in Europe” which will take place on 20...
- Neue Musik für neue Hörer14 March 2006Kulturelle Wechselbeziehungen und Fernost auf musikalisch Am kommenden Donnerstag, den 16. März 2006, beginnt die diesjährige MaerzMusik, das Festival für aktuelle Musik der Berliner Festspiele...
- MaerzMusik – Festival für aktuelle Musik startet am 16. März14 March 2006Musiktheater und Orchestermusik Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, MaerzMusik, das internationale Festival für aktuelle Musik unter dem Dach der Berliner Festspiele, wird am 16. März eröffnet. Zur...
- EMC General Assembly 200610 March 2006Please find here below the invitation of our EMC colleagues to their Anuual meeting 2006 taking place in Malmoe, Sweden: Dear EMC members, on behalf of EMC Chairman Wouter Turkenburg, I have the...
- ISPA invites EFA to Hong Kong9 March 2006ISPA is once again happy to extend an invitation to you, the EFA colleagues, to attend at a special discounted registration rate of $750 (normal rate for non-members is $830). The ISPA Hong Kong...
- ISPA invites EFA to Hong Kong9 March 2006ISPA is once again happy to extend an invitation to you, the EFA colleagues, to attend at a special discounted registration rate of $750 (normal rate for non-members is $830). The ISPA Hong Kong...
- Study on the European Capitals of Culture (1995-2004)7 March 2006Please find here below the link to the report by Robert Palmer on the European Cities and Capitals and European Cultural months from 1995-2005: click here. The impact study commissioned by Brugge...
- Festivals: Challenges of Growth - 1-day conference in Leicester2 March 2006"Festivals: Challenges of Growth", is a conference taking place at the De Montfort University in Leicester (UK) on March 3 2006, organised by the De Montfort University in association with the Arts...
- EFA President Darko Brlek at European Conference on Tourism2 March 2006Darko Brlek, EFA President, will be one of the speakers at the European Tourism Ministers’ Conference entitled “Tourism – Key to Growth and Employment in Europe” which will take place on 20...
- EFA is launching the European Atelier for young festival managers 200624 February 2006'Car le vrai rôle d'un festival est d'aider les artistes à oser, à entreprendre des projets, …' (Bernard Faivre d'Arcier) - this is the guideline for the first edition of the ‘European...
- European Atelier for Young Festival Managers24 February 2006The European Festivals Association, in co-operation with various partners from the field, has set up a workshop for young festival managers. The European Atelier is a management programme...
- MaerzMusik – Festival für aktuelle Musik24 February 2006Vormusik mit Kaija Saariaho: L’Amour de loin Sonnabend, 4. März 2006 20.00 Uhr Haus der Berliner Festspiele Kaija Saariaho L’ Amour de loin (2000) Libretto Amin Maalouf Konzertante Aufführung...
- AMA to manage Audiences Europe Network21 February 2006The Arts Marketing Association (AMA) has announced that it is developing its support for arts professionals across Europe. From January 2006, the Audiences Europe Network (AEN) is being managed by...
- First EFA meeting in 2006 great success16 February 2006A never witnessed participation rate underlined the success of the 1st major EFA meeting in 2006: more than 20 participants of the national festivals associations and the networks being member of...
- Meeting: THE FUTURE WITHOUT MUSIC14 February 2006MEETING - THE FUTURE WITHOUT MUSIC MILAN 20 FEBRUARY 2006 MORNING (10.30 – 1.00 PM) Corso San Gottardo, 42/A “La Verdi” Foundation, Symphonic Orchestra and Choir of Milan AFTERNOON (2.30 –...
- Theatertreffen 2006 - Auswahl14 February 2006Theatertreffen 05. – 21. Mai 2006 Die Jury des Theatertreffens hat getagt und ist zu folgendem Ergebnis gekommen: Die bemerkenswerten Inszenierungen des Theatertreffens 2006 kommen aus Berlin bzw...
- Lucerne Festival Ostern 2006: Nikolaus Harnoncourt eröffnet am 1. April8 February 2006Nikolaus Harnoncourt eröffnet LUCERNE FESTIVAL, OSTERN 2006 am 1. April mit Mozarts Singspiel «Die Schuldigkeit des ersten Gebots». Er dirigiert dieses Werk zum ersten Mal. Der telefonische...
- European Atelier for young festival managers - Call for interest7 February 2006The European Festivals Association, in co-operation with Theorem and various partners from the field, has set up a training programme for young festival managers. The European Atelier is a...
- Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions26 January 2006Please find herewith the direct link to the UNESCO website where you can download all six official language versions of the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural...
- UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions26 January 2006Please find herewith the direct link to the UNESCO website where you can download all six official language versions of the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural...
- Naechste Woche bei den Berliner Festspielen:William Forsythe und Orhan Pamuk26 January 2006William Forsythe zu Gast bei spielzeiteuropa Zum kroenenden Abschluss praesentiert spielzeiteuropa erstmalig die Neufassung von "Three Atmospheric Studies", einer Produktion von William Forsythe...
- 1st Fringe Festival in Budapest25 January 2006First time ever in Hungary, the organization of a Fringe type Festival will take place during the 2006 Budapest Spring Festival. This movement originates from the Edinburgh International Festival,...
- Festivals: Challenges of Growth - 1-day conference Leicester23 January 2006"Festivals: Challenges of Growth", is a conference taking place at the De Montfort University in Leicester (UK) on March 3 2006, organised by the De Montfort University in association with the Arts...
- Vorverkauf für MaerzMusik beginnt17 January 2006Attraktive Angebote für Musikfreunde und Entdeckungslustige Am 14. Januar 2006 beginnt der Vorverkauf für die fünfte MaerzMusik, das Festival für aktuelle Musik unter dem Dach der Berliner...
- Free recruitment Cheltenham Arts Festivals17 January 2006Cheltenham Arts Festivals is a charitable company that promotes a range of festivals of international standing, currently covering music, literature, jazz and science. There is potential to extend...
- Federazione CEMAT and RAI celebrate TransDADAexpress Art's Birthday 200612 January 2006Trans dada Express – Art’s Birthday 2006. This is the title of Art’s Birthday celebrated worldwide on January 17. A concert of electroacoustic music including works by Luciano Berio, Maurizio...
- The Reykjavík Arts Festival 20064 January 2006The 2006 Reykjavík Arts Festival will be held from May 12th to June 2nd. We are proud to announce that this edition marks the 20th Festival from its 1970 inception. This year, music will be...
- MaerzMusik 2006 – Festival für aktuelle Musik: 16-26. März4 January 2006MaerzMusik, das internationale Festival für aktuelle Musik unter dem Dach der Berliner Festspiele, findet 2006 vom 16. bis 26. März statt. Im Mittelpunkt der fünften Ausgabe des Festivals stehen...
- Culture 2000 open for Bulgaria, Rumania and now also for Turkey3 January 2006Some interesting news for our members from Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey: According to the latest news regarding the Culture 2000 programme, the main instrument of funding for culture at the...