Perform Europe is LIVE
11 January 2022
The Perform Europe Live programme is out!
Discover which are the Perform Europe projects selected by the jury. In total, 19 projects were chosen for their innovative, inclusive and sustainable character to be tested in the frame of a new performing arts touring and distribution models scheme.
They will bring high quality performances to rural areas, involve local artists and participants, use slow travel as a framework to create and show work, reduce carbon-intensive practices, refocus on experiences of nature and the body, bridge the gap between audiences and artists with disabilities, use technology to involve communities, promote queer, feminist, decolonial, migrant, and human-centered artist-led initiatives.
The Perform Europe Live programme includes more than 45 artistic works and over 250 presentations across more than 90 physical and digital locations in the Creative Europe countries and the UK.
The programme runs from January until the end of June 2022 and brings together over 85 partners.
Want to know more about the projects? Have a look at the Perform Europe catalogue which presents the 19 partnerships.
For more information about the presentations and how to buy tickets already for the January presentations of The Art of Conflict, Springback Ringside, Feminist Futures, and Beyond Touring, explore the Perform Europe Live programme on our interactive map.
>>> Download the Perform Europe catalogue <<<
>>> View the Perform Europe Live programme interactive map <<<
Perform Europe is co-initiated by a consortium of 5 organisations:
IETM, Circostrada, European Festivals Association, European Dancehouse Network and Idea Consult.
Perform Europe is funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Commission.