Sochi Conversations #2
16 February 2022
The Sochi Conversations are taking place this Saturday 19 & Sunday 20 February 2022, hosted by the Winter International Arts Festival in Sochi (WIAFS). This activity aims to bring together festival managers and producers from a specific city or region and involve them into an open dialogue with international festival directors and artists for a couple of days.
This year, the new EFA board is invited to these 2-day exchanges of festival makers. EFA's president Jan Briers and other members of the board Thomas Hummel, Paul Dujardin and Tamar Brüggemann are travelling to Sochi for the occasion.
Delegates will have the chance to work around a series of presentations and examples of festivals, that adresses the following topic and questions: Fear of festivalisation versus hyper-use of its format: What is the relevant face of festivals today in the (post-)pandemic crisis? What is the current situation of festivals in Europe? What are the lessons learned? What are the new beginnings? What are the continued concerns?
Saturday, 19 February
15.00: Get together
- Introduction of the Sochi Conversation and the programme by Dmitry Grintchenko
- Introduction of all participants and mentors, including laureates from Moscow Conversation, faciliated by Jan Briers
- Keynote by Dmitry Grintchenko
17.00: Keynote by Paul Dujardin, questions and answers
18.30: In Conversation with... guests and Thomas Hummel, Paul Dujardin, Tamar Brüggemann, facilitated by Jan Briers
19.30: Informal drink
Sunday, 20 February
10.00: Keynote by Tamar Brüggemann
11.30: Exchange with Tamar Brüggemann, questions and answers
12.00: Break
12.30: In Conversation with Thomas Hummel
13.30: Certificate ceremony & Conclusions by Dmitry Grintchenko and Jan Briers
19.00: Evening concert