Research Results of Perform Europe
28 July 2022
Perform Europe came to an end. On 13 June, Perform Europe's Impact Event was held live in Brussels and online. You can watch the recording of the event on YouTube.
Between December 2020 and June 2021, Perform Europe explored and mapped the context in which performing art works have been presented across borders in the past few years. The "Research Results of Perform Europe" are published. The report contains an inventory of existing funding schemes and digital tools, as well as an analysis and prospective evaluation of the state-of-the-art of physical and digital cross-border distribution of performing arts works. The report identifies and analyses the current issues and disparities in the European system of performing arts touring and presentation, the gaps to be filled and potential to build on, indicating some solutions for bringing change.
>>> Download the full report <<<
You can download the annexes mentioned in the report via this link.
Perform Europe is an EU-funded project aimed to rethink how performing arts works are presented across borders in a more inclusive, sustainable and balanced way by designing and testing new touring and distribution practices. This 18-month journey includes a research phase, launching a digital platform, testing a support scheme, and designing policy recommendations.
Perform Europe is co-initiated by a consortium of 5 organisations:
IETM, Circostrada, European Festivals Association, European Dancehouse Network and Idea Consult.
Perform Europe is funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Commission.