Mittleyoung 2024 Record Participation with 250 applications from 27 countries
11 March 2024
There have never been so many: 250 applications arrived in Cividale del Friuli to take part in the fourth edition of Mittelyoung, the Mittelfest stage reserved for the new European artistic young talents that will be held from 16 to 18 July.
In fact, it has just closed the international call dedicated to artists and ensembles under 30 who now recognise Mittelyoung as an important milestone and a goal to take flight on the international scene.
250 applications, almost 50% more than the 169 of 2023, have arrived from 27 countries, not only from Central Europe, but also from further afield, from Great Britain and Israel, for example, and even from overseas, from the United States and Korea, countries that will not be eligible for selection because they are outside the geographical scope of Mittelfest.
108 applications come from Italy and the other 142 from abroad for a total of 20 countries admitted to the selection, i.e. Albania, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine. Germany and the Netherlands are the countries with the most applications, 29 and 19 respectively.
"The result of the open call is extraordinary not only for the number of applications but also for the fact that it came from such a wide range of countries, as far away as they are ineligible," comments Artistic Director Giacomo Pedini. "It is proof that, in just four years, Mittelyoung is firmly recognised as a fundamental international stage for those who are professionally entering the performing arts. It will indeed be a great challenge for the more than 30 curatores who will have to select the 9 performances."
"The satisfaction is then twofold for an important novelty of this edition: – Pedini continues – in fact, alongside the normal selection process, there will also be a jury of experts called upon to judge the nine shows that will be staged, a further step to enhance the high professional quality of young European artists. I would like to emphasise that these achievements, which consolidated year after year, are the result of the commitment and hard work of the entire Mittelfest team."
The work passes immediately to the group of curatores, who are also under 30: they will evaluate almost 100 theatre and dance projects, more than 50 of music and about 20 of circus, to form the programme of Mittelyoung 2024, consisting of 9 shows that will have to portray Disorders, the theme chosen by Pedini to narrate the relationship between destiny, chaos and responsibility of individual choices. And the curatores themselves, coordinated by the Artistic Director, will select the 3 winning shows that will be given the opportunity to be staged as part of Mittelfest programme from 19 to 28 July.
"Mittelyoung represents a major victory for Mittelfest," emphasises President Cristina Mattiussi, "which started in 2021 as a gamble, today it seals its vision for the future as a catalyst for the best international artistic offer, as a bridge between Central European borders and as a forge for young talents. The latter is a goal in which Mittelfest believes a lot and to which it works all year round, just think that we are taking care of the distribution in theatres of as many as four shows from previous editions. Mittelyoung is also an expression of the festival’s very strong ties with the region, with the institutions, and with the artistic and educational entities of Friuli Venezia Giulia."
The group of curatores under 30 is built thanks to the collaboration with Associazione culturale Arearea, Civica Accademia d'Arte Drammatica Nico Pepe, Conservatorio Statale di Musica Giuseppe Tartini of Trieste, Conservatorio Statale di Musica Jacopo Tomadini of Udine, Fondazione Luigi Bon, University of Trieste, University of Udine, and also Associazione culturale Circo all'incirca, Associazione culturale Quarantasettezeroquattro, Associazione Giovanile Robida, Convitto Nazionale Paolo Diacono, Istituto Tecnico Arturo Malignani, Scuola di Danza Erica Bront, Teatro Club Udine – Palio Teatrale Studentesco. In addition, some people selected by SNG Nova Gorica (Slovenia) will be part of the group of the curatores.