Europist - Istanbul Virtual European Cultural Center website:
26 August 2005
The European Festivals Association has been included on the Europist - Istanbul Virtual European Cultural Center website(, the brand-new virtual platform for cultural communication and co-operation between Turkey and Europe. The Europist web project aims to create a synergy amongst the actors of culture and arts, sharing the same vision, in order to strengthen international cultural relations. The content of this web based platform is expected to grow constantly by the contributions of its visitors. is a co-operation project of European Cultural Association, Istanbul French Cultural Institute, Istanbul British Council, Istanbul Goethe Institute, Austrian Cultural Forum and supported by ECF (European Cultural Foundation). is composed of two websites: 1. SANAL DERGI (E-zine) Sanal Dergi is an e-zine covering the culture and art agenda of Turkey. By subscribing to the monthly e-news, you can follow the culture and art agenda in Turkey through your mailbox. 2.KÜLTÜR NET Kültür Net is an interactive database, a meeting point of the culture and arts professionals. It is a platform that aims to exchange ideas between the artists, cultural managers and intellectuals in order to strengthen the cultural cooperation and exchange between Europe and Turkey. Kültür net includes bilingual (Turkish and English) databases of activities, articles, funds, potential cooperation partners, exchange and residency programs, fellowships, etc. This is where EFA has been included in the Europist's database. You are welcome to send news of your international events and articles about the cultural issues in Europe to Europist. For contact details please have a look at the Europist website