European Festivals Association (EFA) holds its General Assembly in Brno from 7 till 9 October
27 September 2005
The European Festivals Association (EFA), the major European network of arts festivals, is up to its General Assembly 2005, this year to be held in Brno (Czech Republic) from Friday October 7 to Sunday October 9, 2005. Almost 100 delegates from about 30 countries have the opportunity to gather with colleagues, exchange know-how, talk through major changes and challenges of the European Festivals Association and enjoy a rich cultural and social programme. Founded in 1952 by Denis de Rougemont, EFA was set up to promote the significance of festivals and their importance in international cultural cooperation. At a strategic level the Association offers opportunities for festival practitioners to access management, research and comprehensive cultural data. Furthermore, through a common advertisement and communication strategy, i.e. the lively EFA website or the bi-annual EFA Brochure available on the website), EFA aims to create public awareness of art festivals and art in general. EFA also functions at a practical level, offering opportunities to access a range of practical activities focused on special topics. Several meetings every year foster artistic co-productions, the sharing of ideas and the exchange of know-how. The annual General Assembly is just one of those gathering moments. As guest of the Brno International Music Festival (BIMF) which in 2005 celebrates its 40th edition, delegates will be able to live a richly diverse programme in Brno, an important city in the newly expanded EU with outstanding cultural venues. BIMF, President Prof. Arnost Parsch, welcomes not only the EFA delegates, but also some outstanding local keynote speakers including the 1st deputy of the Czech Minister of Culture, Petr Koutny, Richard Svoboda, mayor of Brno and Petr Oslzly, Czech dramaturge, who enrich the conference designed to be a well-balanced mixture of informal talks, working sessions and cultural visits. It is also the first opportunity for delegates to discuss the major changes EFA has witnessed in the past year under the presidency of EFA Vice-Presidents Jan Briers (Flanders Festival) and Darko Brlek (Festival Ljubljana) such as the move from Genève in Switzerland, home of the Association for more than 50 years, to Belgium/Gent where EFA is supported by the City of Gent. Statutory and personal implications of that move will also be examined. Furthermore, there will be the election of a new EFA president and a new board, just to mention some of the agenda items to be treated during the meeting. Separate working groups on themes of special interest such as networking opportunities, co-productions and co-operation, sponsoring and marketing, bristling with the intervention of high-level international keynote speakers including Johann Zietsman from ISPA, Mary-Ann De Vlieg from IETM, Ching Lee Goh from the Association of Asian Performing Arts Festivals, aim at engaging the participants in a process of reflection and discussion. On top of this attractive conference programme, the BIMF under the co-ordination of its Director Zdenka Kachlova has put together an impressive cultural and social programme which foresees a city tour of Brno, a visit to the Slavkov Chateau in Austerlitz and last but not least the final concert of this year’s festival at the Janacek Theatre. For further information, please contact us via email: Nathalie: Kathrin: or via telephone at: + 32 241 80 80 Czech Airlines is the Official Carrier for the 2005 General Assembly of the European Festivals Association in Brno. EFA is supported by the Nationale Loterij.