EFA enlarges with six new members - fruitful General Assembly in Brno 2005
12 October 2005
On the occasion of the General Assembly 2005 in Brno (Czech Republic) last weekend (7-9 October 2005) the European Festivals Association welcomed six new festivals / national festivals associations to EFA including the Festival des Cathédrales de Picardie (Amiens – France), Tivoli Concert Hall Summer Festival (Copenhagen – Denmark), March Music Days International Festival (Rousse – Bulgaria), Festival de Saint-Denis (Saint-Denis – France), Cantiere Internazionale d’Arte di Montepulciano (Montepulciano – Italy) and last but not least the Federation of Music Festivals in Flanders (Gent – Belgium). On top of elections and formal matters, the participants of the General Assembly had the opportunity to gather in different break-out groups on networking opportunities, co-productions and co-operation and sponsoring and marketing. Highly estimated contributions of some outstanding local as well as international keynote speakers such as Johann Zietsman from ISPA, Prof. Petr Oslzly, Czech dramaturge, Ondrej Hrab, Director of the ARCHA Theatre Prague, Roman Belor, Director of the Prague Spring Festival and Jacqueline Steels, Subsidy Manager of the Nationale Loterij Belgium and main sponsor of EFA enriched the working sessions and emphasized the opportunities of co-operation in the future. An inspiring cultural programme in a city rich of architectural beauties and cultural heritage completed the successful meeting in Brno, generously hosted by the Brno International Music Festival (BIMF) under the coordination of Zdenka Kachlova, Director of the BIMF. The next EFA General Assembly will be held in Luxemburg at the invitation of the Echternach International Festival and the Festival of Wiltz on 16, 17 and 18 June 2006.