AMA to manage Audiences Europe Network
21 February 2006
The Arts Marketing Association (AMA) has announced that it is developing its support for arts professionals across Europe. From January 2006, the Audiences Europe Network (AEN) is being managed by the AMA. The AMA team will be working with a group of cultural practitioners from across Europe to provide opportunities for senior arts professionals to meet, share ideas, debate latest thinking and develop new partnerships. Bringing together managers, marketers, audience development professionals, policy makers, cultural planners, artistic directors and curators, the growing list of AEN members includes people from Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Republic of Ireland and the UK. Julie Aldridge, executive director, AMA said: ‘The Audiences Europe Network has been providing fantastic opportunities for senior cultural professionals to meet, share ideas, explore current thinking, build new partnerships and establish new ways of working. The AMA is now providing the network with a home within an organisation that has a great deal of experience in managing conferences and member services to help the network build on its achievements.’ Johan Moerman, previous Chair of AEN and part of the new steering group at the AMA said: ‘This is a very exciting start for the New Year. I believe this move, which capitalises on the strengths of both organisations, will prove to be a great success’ For more information, or to join the network go to: