Take 5*

Take5* is a filmed series of encounters between 5 artists and 2 guests who meet for the first time in a specific city to speak about Europe, festivals, the arts and their role in society. It is a curated, recorded exchange of opinions, translated by the director Stefan Arsenijevic into a 60-minute documentary.

Its aim is to generate thinking, reflections, and a series of statements on the arts in Europe and the world in an impactful, efficient, individual, real-time-captured way ‘beyond the obvious’ and to make this content accessible in an attractive way.

Take5* is a specific film format that puts a selected group of 5 protagonists, coming from the international artistic and cultural scene together in one venue in one city to experience a series of conversations with each other, with opponents we invite to provoke their thinking and with the arts that are offered to them: Take5* wants to break sectorial boundaries open in a personal, intense way around the topic of the arts and their place in our society.

Oscar-nominated and Golden Bear-winning Film Director Stefan Arsenijevic directs the Take5* recording.

Take5* has the ambition to be produced as a formula or series in various places and cities. It offers an artistic approach to an intellectual debate through the local lens of the host in an accessible way. It works as a discursive TV-format in particular addressed at festival audiences, the cultural community and producers, academics, politics and the media.

Take5* in a snapshot: it is a filmed encounter. 5 protagonists meet for the first time: they meet each other and a series of invited guests in an orchestrated way. In one place, for a certain amount of time, all filmed: to connect, reflect, and take the time to formulate thoughts on something central to us: the arts.” Kathrin Deventer, European Festivals Association (EFA)

Take5* Brussels

The Take5* Brussels  encounter was staged at the Royal Arts and History Museum in Brussels and produced in co-operation with RITCS.

The 5 protagonists include Romeo Castellucci (Italy), Serge-Aimé Coulibaly (Burkina Faso), Nele Hertling (Germany), Ada Mukhina (Russia/Germany) and Haris Pašović (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Two guests coming from the political level were invited to trigger their thinking: Stephanie D’Hose, President of the Belgian Senate, and Georg Häusler, European Commission Director at DG EAC.

Watch the Take5* Brussels trailer now.