Rainbow paper on Intercultural Dialogue: Consultation online
7 May 2008
The Civil Society Platform for Intercultural Dialogue, the Rainbow Platform, has been a major EFAH project, jointly with the European Cultural Foundation, since October 2006 - many of you have participated in it. Here comes an opportunity for the wider EFAH membership to come on board: An action oriented RAINBOW PAPER II has just been launched for ON-LINE CONSULTATION on the LabforCulture web site! We invite you to participate! Go to this page. Rainbow Paper II builds on the cross-sectoral views on intercultural dialogue contained in the first Rainbow Paper:“Practice Makes Perfect. A Learning Framework for Intercultural Dialogue” that we presented at the opening of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008. Rainbow Paper II will be on-line for comments and wiki-editing until 16th May. The final opportunity to input will be the Platform Plenary on the 4th June in Brussels. Rainbow Paper II will serve as a tool for civil society organisations to commit to the action proposals and to support the political recommendations. The paper and the list of supporting organisations will be presented at the closing event of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue under the French EU Presidency on 17-19 November in Paris.