
Open Call to sign up Arts Festivals' Declaration

8 July 2008

YOUR FESTIVAL gives 'artists from all over the world the opportunity of increasing and developing their artistic experience, thus initiating a process of mutual exchange of artistic excellence among different countries'? YOUR FESTIVAL enhances 'the concept of participation and promotes a sense of belonging'? YOUR FESTIVAL 'challenges local traditions but at the same time also stimulates innovation and respects the common cultural heritage'? YOUR FESTIVAL 'plays a unique role in the context of education by promoting a culture of peace and shaping understanding and respect amongst groups of people'? YOUR FESTIVAL's events 'take place in convivial atmospheres and in open venues which can be accessed basically by all, including disadvantaged people and ethnic or cultural minorities'? The European Festivals Association invites all arts festivals to sign up the Arts Festivals' Declaration on Intercultural Dialogue. Download the form here and send your entry to Visibility - Your Festival will be included in the original Signing Book and featured together with the major festivals which already signed up. The Signing Book will be presented, re-produced and widely distributed at the end of the Year 2008 Signing Book. - Your Festival will be featured on the EFA website dedicated to the Arts Festivals' Declaration on Intercultural Dialogue: Website. - A series of projects will be highlighted in a special Newsletter 'FESTFLASH on Intercultural Dialogue' sent out widely 6 times in 2008 and posted on the Declaration webpage. - Signing Festivals are featured on the EFA niche on the EU website dedicated to the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue: []EFA on EU site.