
European Commission published study on the “Impact of Culture on Creativity”

13 July 2009

In the framework of the 2009 European Year of Creativity and Innovation, the European Commission published a study on the “Impact of Culture on Creativity” carried out by KEA European Affairs, a Brussels-based consultancy specialised in the creative industries and cultural sectors. The study aimed to answer the following questions: • How can culture contribute to the development of creative skills within a lifelong learning framework? • How can culture contribute to the development of creative solutions at the workplace, including through social innovation? • How can culture contribute to the creation of new services and products? Doing so, the study explores the still largely underestimated links between culture, cultural diversity, creativity and – more largely – social, scientific and economic innovation. Using concrete examples from different sectors and parts of Europe, the study illustrates synergies and positive spill-over effects produced by culture - through the creativity it generates - in areas such as learning development in a long life perspective, the acceptance and use of NICT by the general public, stimulation of research, product and service innovation, branding of cities, reinforcement of social capital, motivation of staff, modernization of public services etc. These spill-over effects are all the more crucial as Europe – like other parts of the world – is becoming a society of the intangible, whose main raw material lies in the ability of its people to create and to innovate. The study comes to the conclusion that Europe should better exploit the potential of culture to beef up creativity and innovation. It suggests strategies to be developed at all levels of governance. (Source: European Commission, DG Education & Culture)