Consultation on Report on Economic and Social Cohesion: Cultural sector invited to input
25 November 2010
Every three years, the EU publishes a report on economic, social and territorial cohesion, detailing progress in these areas and how the EU, national and regional governments have contributed. The 5th Report on Economic and Social Cohesion has just been published. The main issues covered by the 5th Cohesion Report are: • analysis of regional disparities, • the contribution of the EU, national and regional governments to cohesion, • the impact of Cohesion Policy, • Cohesion Policy after 2013. A public consultation on the Conclusions of the Fifth Report has been launched on12 November 2010 to help shape the future policy and prepare legislative proposals. Given the increasing evidence of the contribution of culture and of cultural and creative industries to cohesion, cultural actors are invited to feed into this online consultation. It is open until 31 January 2011. Furthermore, DG EAC would be glad to receive a copy of any contribution.