
Our E-magazine "Eye-to-Eye, The Festival Quarterly" gives the floor to those minds that inform, influence or inspire festival makers and making: the artist, the economist, the philosopher, the urban planner... By assembling various voices and perspectives that speak about our state of the arts and reasons why the arts exist, our life, society, concepts, moments, Eye-to-Eye offers a mosaic of deeper reflections, opinion pieces, personal statements that are unrelated yet related with each other.

Summer Edition 2024

The new season is right behind the door, bringing a variety of new activities into our lives and giving us the opportunity to question ourselves and live fascinating experiences.

Through the eyes of six contributors coming from different horizons, this Summer edition digs into several topics that are at the core of festival making and festival makers: well-being, inclusion, emerging artists, activism, Europe and its necessity of being connected to its artists, its citizens, and the rest of the world.

Spring Edition 2024

If we accept that Europe has also a community of individuals and diverse cultures and not only of institutions, we might be longing for a more humanistic world. Arts and culture are a way to tell the stories of the individuals, communities, and the different realities that confront them.

Eye-to-Eye, on the verge of European Parliament elections, zooms in, as always, to highlight a series of individual visions, motivations, narratives, and possibilities for community building through the arts and arts festivals.

Winter Edition 2024

In the Winter of 2024 the one thing we call for is peace and understanding. In this edition of Eye-to-Eye, five women and one man from different parts of the world share with us the ideas that drive their thoughts about the role of arts and culture in our communities and societies.

Also this year, we’ll keep on sharing voices and acknowledging the need for our task to contribute to reciprocal understanding. We will reiterate our call for decisions and actions that can truly make a difference.

Summer Edition 2023

Artificial intelligence, nature and arts, the individual versus the collective, arts in rural areas and artistic curation of festivals: All the articles in this issue relate in some way to reflections about change, whether at a personal or societal level.

Eye-to-Eye zooms into the perspective and minds of six individuals who ask themselves in one or another way how the arts and their place in society makes sense to them.

Spring Edition 2023

227 people bound together by their work and love for the arts, for festivals and for connections between people and ideas from around the world for 5 days. Some of those who contributed actively to the Arts Festivals Summit Peralada/Girona 2023 are featured in this Eye-to-Eye Magazine. You’ll see, it’s a mixture of diverse thoughts that connect, whether they are central or peripheral to mainstream debate, that you’ll enjoy reading.

  • Zvonimir Dobrović - Resisting temptations
  • Chris Baldwin - Festivals are the decentralised and irreplaceable spaces for imagining the unimaginable. If they did not exist, we would have to re-invent them
  • Kateryna Lozenko - Joining Hands and Hearts: Notes from Ukraine at the beginning of a long Journey
  • Jordi Albareda - On the growing need to think
  • Chris Salter - Theatre meets Extended Reality to question Climate Change
  • Horacio Pérez - Creating “nets” instead of “networks”

Winter Edition 2023

This Eye-to-Eye magazine catches some of the perspectives shared in Yerevan, and speaks about new beginnings.

EFA’s 70th anniversary Arts Festivals Summit in Yerevan in 2022 brought together thinkers that know more about the new relationships between the arts and cities, the business and activism.

Spring Edition 2022

This edition shows how EFA has been a platform for dialogue since its inception; a place to meet, to listen, and to speak about the responsibility and possibilities of art and culture. EFA wants to facilitate conversations that have the constructive energy to create an effective intellectual and artistic capacity to look at the world’s challenges in a nuanced way: the Eye-to-Eye Magazine is a contribution to this endevour.

Winter Edition 2022

We are in visionary company in this winter edition of our Eye-to-Eye magazine: 6 powerful women and gentlemen are pointing at pertinent issues of the arts and of festival life from the outside: as artists, as scientists, as politicians.

We are ready: Let’s make the best from the new year all together.

  • Amanda Lind - Lessons from a recent experience of being Minister of Culture
  • Els Dietvorst - This is what you came for. Art as a meeting place for connection, desire, exchange and transformation.
  • Bartosz Szydłowski - The cultural revolution is underway
  • Sergey Smbatyan - Classical music in Armenia
  • Gundega Laiviņa - Attention as a form of ethics
  • Ana Carla Fonseca - Territory-brand Jequitinhonha Valley – increasing the perceived value of a development process from the grassroots

Summer Edition 2021

This edition of the e-magazine bears witness to serious work done: from reflections on Schubert’s work to festivals’ role in society, philanthropists’ responsibilities and finally the importance of bringing a range of narratives from different parts of the world to audiences.

Dive into their prose. Enjoy their insights.

Spring edition 2021

The third edition of Eye-to-Eye, The Festival Quarterly, is giving a voice only to artists: artists and their view and vision of the moment, the challenges they are dealing with, and the very individual story they share with us.

We wish you a nice read and a blossoming Spring full of cultural and artistic activities.

Winter edition 2020/2021

We start this decade with the second edition of Eye-to-Eye, The Festival Quarterly. This Winter issue of Eye-to-Eye presents 7 texts of authors sharing their thoughts about their cities, countries and the world, about ethics and aesthetics... but especially about the role that art and culture play in our societies. All are convinced that access to culture is a fundamental right and advocate for more cross-sectoral collaboration to integrate the arts in various sectors such as health, urban planning, etc. 

May Eye-to-Eye carry on their voices and resonate with them over the 10 next years.

Summer edition 2020

The Summer edition Eye-to-Eye, The Festival Quarterly offers you a good read of 6 authors who dig into one or another story, perspective, phenomenon or reflection related to our times we are living. 

Enjoy the read, and the end of a special festival Summer 2020!