AFS2023 Speakers
Sebastian Brünger
Research associate at German Federal Cultural Foundation
Speaker - Festivals & environmental sustainability workshop on Wednesday, 14 September 2022 | 14.00-16.00
Sebastian Brünger studied business administration and political science in Mannheim and Baltimore. PhD at the HU Berlin. After graduating he was assistant director at the Nationaltheater Mannheim and Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus, from 2007 dramaturge in the theater collective Rimini Protokoll.
From 2016 to 2021 he managed the funding programme "Doppelpass - Cooperation in Theater" at the German Federal Cultural Foundation and has since then developed new funding approaches with a focus on sustainability and climate: Most recently, a pilot project for CO2 balancing in cultural institutions and the new programme "Zero - climate-neutral art and cultural projects".