
Ravenna Festival partner of EU funded project “Network for African Talents”

5 September 2012

The Fondazione Ravenna Manifestazioni (project leader and organiser of the Ravenna Festival) engages in a partnership with Kulungwana Associação para o Desenvolvimento Cultural, Festival Internacional de Mùsica de Maputo (Mozambique), Association Takku Liguey de Ndiol Ndiaye (Senegal), and Theatre du Chocolat FATEJ Festival (Cameroon) in a project entitled “Network for African Talents”. The initiatives receives funding of the ACP-EU Support Programme to ACP Cultural Sectors. The Network for African Talents (N.A.T.) is a shared platform for the production of new shows and events. The main sharing principle is an Observatory, a panel of experts in the fields of music, theatre and dance, who represent the Network’s partners and other institutions from the involved territories. The partners and their associates have the capability of producing, distributing and promoting the shared projects. N.A.T. will consolidate the partners’ activities and the partners themselves: the natural distribution potential of co-productions and the possibility for the direct promotion of artists and companies emerging from the project are two important aspects of the project itself, which has the objective of extending partnerships to other territories. N.A.T. must become a quality brand, which starts from Mozambique, Senegal and Cameroon to be expanded to other ACP states. ACTION 1: DISCOVERIES A broad observatory of professionals and experts will identify African artists in the fields of theatre, music and dance and groups who have been trained in schools, workshops, as well as the self-taught. A directory of young artists and young ensembles and new sources of talent, resources and skills will be published every six months on the website and circulated in Africa and Europe. ACTION 2: YOUNG ARTISTS AT THE FESTIVALS Each festival set up by the co-organisers will invite and engage to present a number of young artists and companies under the label of quality: “N.A.T. PROJECT”. ACTION 3: WORKSHOPS Professional workshops will be given to young artists by masters of contemporary and traditional music and theatre. ACTION 4: NEW PRODUCTION The partners will work with young artists/companies of a nationality different from his/her own in order to produce with them creations of their choice.